
Different languages

In Canada they speak two languages​​: French and English. 59.3% of all residents speak English and 23.2% of the population speaks French. And 17.5% of all residents speak a different language.

The students on school learn French and English.

Canadians have their own distinctive accent, but the Canadian-written English is very similar to the English in Britain. Outside Quebec, fewer people have French as their mother tongue, and although there are French-speaking communities exist in the maritime provinces, Manitoba and Ontario, the language in some areas strongly influenced by the English in words and syntax. This has resulted in a mixed language incomprehensible to the outsider that "Franglais" is mentioned.

Inuktitut, the language of the Inuit language is a living and growing. It is a widespread language in northern Canada, and Inuit from the whole region can understand each other. Dialects and accents vary from region to region, but it is an isolated Inuktitut language.
One of the first things noticed is that a similar word is spelled in various ways. Then there are about 100 years ago, a writing system developed, the words were written according to the ruling, and those versions differed by region.
Since the seventies of the last century is trying to develop a standard Inuktitut, but that is still very difficult.

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