Holiday Spots

Canada is a popular holiday spot and famous for it's loveley waters and beautifull mountains as you can see at the picture above.


there are the most breathtaking landscapes and awesome conoeing rivers

here are some of the atractions you can find in Canada:

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is actually three separate, massive waterfalls located on the Niagara River at the southern tip of Ontario, on the border between Canada and the United States: The Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls, and the smaller, adjacent Bridal Veil Falls. The crescent-shaped Horseshoe Falls is also known as the Canadian Falls as it is mostly in Canada. Niagra Falls is a popular Holiday spot because of the many tourist and lovecouples that stop by to look at one of Mother nature's miracles. The place was discoverd by indians.

The Canadian Rockies

The Canadian Rockies is an old train that rides trough Canada and a small part of the U.S.A with more than beautifull places. with U-shaped valleys goughed by glaciers.

Baffin Island (Oikiqtaaluk)

This weird named island is the biggest in Canada and the 5th largest island in the whole world(507.451 kmĀ²). This island is located in the Arctic Ocean of Northern Canada. You can see the Northern lights on this island. Baffin Island is discovered in 1576 by Europeans. The island has 11,000 inhabitants. In the winter is it very cold. On the island there is no water supply because it would quickly freeze

Cabot trail

The cabot trail is a beautiful holiday spot. You travel between beautiful places like waters, old highlands and more.  You see flying eagles above you and seals swim under you. And you can see moose too. From the enchanting Acadian village of Cheticamp where world-famous hooked rugs are handcrafted to the greens of famed Highland destination where wonderful is waiting around every bend in the road.




witch one would you choose?

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